Thursday, September 13, 2012

DIY navajo-studded bracelet

As I am the biggest brainstormer of them all, there are always images of jewelry, clothing, shoes, (boys) and furniture dancing around my head. This leads me to some serious trouble, since not every little thing I dream about is available at all times. I guess this is how menkind discovered the term Do It Yourself, aka DIY.  Anyway, I wanted to share this do it yourself-bracelet, because I have looked all over Amsterdam for it and came home tired and disappointed every time. How to make it is very, very simple..but don't think it will be done and over in two minutes, because you will be hammering for a while! (warning: do not do this when your parents are at home. Trust me, it drives them crazy). You can find the bracelets anywhere, from markets, tourist hotspots and especially at those little markets you can find in the morning in countries like France or Spain..Get your studs and spikes at a shop that sells them, find the store nearest to you on internet! I got them at Jan de Klein Vakman at the Albert Cuyp market, but they were quite expensive....Anyways, it's just an idea. Remember: women can be rather handy, we just have to really want to do it (instead of leaving it to men)!

Here's the result!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

My column for

Want to read my column that recently appeared on Girlscene? Here it is, hope you like it!

Eat, pray, love

Heb je je ooit gevoeld alsof je in je vorige leven Boeddha bent geweest? Yup, ik heb de Bali-fever opgelopen deze zomer. Hoe kan ik dat niet, als er een tandeloze medicijnman genaamd Ketut is om mijn hand te lezen? En als ik kan fietsen door de rijstvelden waar een aantrekkelijke Braziliaanse autobestuurder me van de weg rijdt?

Ik weet het, ik heb misschien teveel zon gehad. Dat of ik heb 'Eat Pray Love' te vaak gezien en begin daadwerkelijk te eten, liefhebben en bidden als Julia Roberts. Omdat ik films vaak nogal serieus neem, ben ik me gaan verdiepen in het boeddhisme. Ik heb misschien geen negenenveertig dagen onder een boom gezeten om het licht te zien, maar ach, nadenken onder een parasolletje telt ook. 
Zo ben ik gekomen op het achtvoudige pad: de acht stappen van Boeddha tot 'verlossing'. Oké, mijn acht stappen zijn misschien ietwat anders dan die van Boeddha. Kan ik er wat aan doen dat ik nu eenmaal van een wijntje houd en hier en daar wel eens een scheldwoord laat vallen als ik mijn teen stoot? Ze leiden in ieder geval tot waar ik nachtenlang voor heb geduimd: een geweldige zomer. 

Het begint allemaal bij het dromen. Dan bedoel ik niet die dromen waarin je in een Vera Wang jurk aan het altaar staat, je hand vervlochten in die van Ryan Gosling. Ik heb het over het durven dromen over die jongen waar je obsessief naar staart in de les. Je mag best zijn achternaam achter jouw naam uitproberen, al is het maar in je agenda. 
Gebod nummer twee: verzorg jezelf alsof je Paris Hilton bent. Je voelt je beter als je lokken, nagels, benen, oksels, huid, en poriën goed verzorgd zijn. Waarschuwing: mocht je dit overwegen, neem een extra baantje. Je zult het nodig hebben. 
Hoe ik bij het derde gebod ben gekomen? Laten we het erop houden dat ik dankzij mijn enthousiaste kaakspieren graag praat en daarom een aantal keren bijna voor mijn sokken ben gereden. Toen ik gênant overeind probeerde te komen, kon ik op de een of andere manier alleen maar denken: 'Dit had de laatste dag van mijn leven kunnen zijn'. Vanaf morgen kleed ik me alsof mijn leven er vanaf hangt. Ik word liever aangekeken om mijn ietwat opvallende jurkje, dan dat ik opga in het gordijn achter me. Kortom; draag wat je nooit hebt durven dragen, maar altijd al heb aan willen trekken.
eat pray love
Nummer vier is simpel, maar waar (geloof me): get over yourself. Om wat voor reden dan ook, ieder meisje -inclusief ikzelf- blijft minimaal twee avonden per maand thuis op haar bed zitten mokken met slechts die bak Ben & Jerry. Misschien ziet dit tafereel er leuk uit in Bridget Jones, maar in real life kom je hiermee niet verder dan je slaapkamer. Hijs jezelf in een jurkje dat op een voetstuk staat (omdat het je ooit een leuke avond heeft gebracht), bel je altijd-beschikbare vriendin en ga iets doen. Later lig je in je bed te grinniken om de avond die je hebt gehad. 
Jezelf bezighouden is verder uiterst belangrijk. Zo heb ik zojuist de agenda op mijn iPhone ontdekt en begint het alarm dat ik ingesteld heb bij elke koffie, lunch of drankjes date me al aardig te irriteren. Toch maakt de Blair Waldorf in mij een sprongetje als een kind van zeven, wetende dat mijn sociale kalender volstaat.
Het zesde gebod is iets wat we allemaal wel willen: reizen. Mijn on the road droomreis door Australië zou zo ongeveer zeventig jaar sparen vereisen, ben ik bang. Maar wie zegt dat ik deze reis niet mag plannen? In mijn gedachten heb ik alle wegen van de wereld al bereden. Thank god for imagination
Het zevende gebod is iets wat alle ouders, docenten en huiswerkbegeleiders er bij je in rammen: stel jezelf een doel. Alhoewel ik zo'n beetje altijd 'nee' zeg als mijn ouders 'ja' zeggen, ben ik het stilzwijgend eens met dit gebod. Zo had ik mezelf als doel gesteld mijn (uit voorzorg dichtgeplakte) spaarvarken te vullen, en op dit moment begint hij al aardig zwaar te worden!
Mijn eindeloze verhaal van geboden is nu gekomen bij nummer acht. Zonder nummer acht zou je aan het einde van dit pad regelrecht de verkeerde afslag nemen. Het gebod? Say yes! Zeg ja op alles en iedereen. Of iemand je nu een baantje aanbiedt (dat niet goed betaalt), je uitnodigt (voor een feestje waar je niemand kent) of je uitvraagt (wat je eigenlijk niet ziet zitten): zeg ja! De 'what if?' blijft zo kilometers van je vandaan. Wie weet brengt het je tot de kans van je leven of ontmoet de jongen van dromen! 
In ieder geval beloof ik je: het brengt je tot het einde van mijn achtvoudige pad. Hand in hand met Julia Roberts heeft het me gebracht tot waar het allemaal om draait; een perfecte zomer.



Living the Parisien life

Paris; the city that warms all women's hearts with its Laduree macarons, impressing theatres and -above all- inhabitants dressed in style. I keep wondering what it is exactly that they have that makes me want to speak french fluently and bake madeleines. They walk, they talk and they dress as if style is a natural gift. I know, this version of Paris seems more romantically put like Woody Allen's movies, but still. The thing I love most about Paris, are the secret places hidden between le marais' bakeries, libraries and courtyards. This is how I came across Le marché des enfants rouges. In short (as if I am capable of explaining something in short..), it is a 'covered foodmarket' in the middle of le Marais. Italian, greek, maroccan, french or any other kind of food you can possibly think of: you name it, they've got it. Not only is the food to die for, it also is filled with the classy parisien young hipster kind of type. You know, the ones you can't stop looking at untill they look back as if they've noticed you're obsessing over their clothing. Not to mention the location. You could place me in a cartboard box in the middle of le Marais, and I would still be adoring it. Enough said, just go there when you get the chance. Unlike all the dresses you've bought but ended up in the back of your closet; you actually won't regret this. 

Marche des Enfants Rouges
39 Rue de Bretagne
mon-thur 08.30-19.30
fri-sat 08.30-20.00
sun 08.30-14.00

Friday, August 24, 2012

Long time, no see

'Noor!! Where have you been lately?', is something I've heard a million times the last few days. So what I have been a living hop-on hop-off bus and I love seeing things, people, music, festivals, stores, and well....anything but my bed. It's still summer, isn't it? I came to the conclusion my blog/baby should not suffer among these summer circumstances (again). This is why I will share the list of festivals I have visited or will visit. 
Warning: please notice the fact that actually accomplishing this list of to do-festivals might put your sleeping conditions in danger (like me). 

1. De Parade - Martin Luther King park - untill august 28th

Whether I'm sipping sangria with my friends in some sort of circustent, attending a cabaret show or getting myself nauseous in the merry go round; de parade is a real treat for anyone who'd like to feel seven years old again. 

2. Lowlands 

Let's just say I hope (still not sure) I will be totally recovered from this wonderfull but tiring festival in 5 days from now. The funny thing about a festival is that it makes you a totally different person. I would never even consider being lifted by a crane or putting a picture of myself in bra up on a wall, but somehow, I managed to do all those things while there. I don't know why, but I do know I will do exactly those things next year, all over again. 

3. Voltt Festival - NDSM-werf - august 25th

This is the festival I will be going to tomorrow..probably in raincoat and wellies, since it will be raining all day. Ah well, not to worry. Festivals in rain are fun too!

4. Loveland festival

Love was in the air. As were techno music and hippie moods. 

5. Awakefest

The best thing about a festival like this one, is that literally ever person I know was there. That's definitely the number one thing that makes a day perfect. The sun was shining, and everyone felt good. 



Monday, August 13, 2012

Forever 21, here we come

Have you had a shitty day today? You were all out of coffee, you were late for the bus and your dress ripped? In that case, this will make your day. Why? Not santa, but forever 21 is coming to town! Forever 21 is opening a huge store in Amsterdam, which is very exciting news if you ask me. Me, myself and my wallet are very happy, since forever 21 does not only have very cute, but also very affordable clothing! Eventhough I will have to wait untill the end of 2013, my excitement will only grow each day! Forever 21, here I come. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012


There is one more reason I have been so silent on the blogger radar lately....instagram! All the sparks and walden-effects have totally enchanted me. It has become an obsession. So please, if you like my blog, pics, style, writing of whatever: follow me on instagram on username norinalaquenta (i know, i know, don't laugh! We all have those silly nicknames, don't we?). Help me get more followers and I will upload lots of pics of what inspires me :)

Five days in a row

Hi there!
You haven't seen me for a long time, I am so so so sorry for abandoning my blog. I have been so busy with my exams, and celebrating that i've passed them. Still my blog is my baby and I will put in my heart, money (clothing...) and time to make it look good again! Which is why my first 'back in amsterdam' post will be about the clothing that I've worn for the last five days. Hope you like them :)

playsuit Noor mode & schoenen
cardigan Brandy Melville
clutch Bali market
shoes Topshop

top Noor mode & schoenen
skirt Noor mode & schoenen

jumper Noor mode & schoenen
necklace Jewel rocks
tanktop American Eagle

skirt Noor mode & schoenen
satchel bag Waterlooplein market
top The People

dress Topshop
floral blazer Zara
neon belt Noor mode & schoenen



Monday, July 16, 2012

Eat, pray, love

Ubud, Bali.
Have you ever felt like you have found peace after all? After all the 'how on earth did you get so drunk'-stories and boydrama, you actually feel like you've been boeddha in your previous life. Yup, I've got the Bali feever. But how could I not? I am surrounded by beautiful people, who smile like I am their favorite person in the world. It makes me smile, too. And the green, oh the green. I'm living the jungle book life. And the sky, oh the sky. It was last night that I had seen a falling star for the first time. We all know it was the third word in this piece's title I was secretely wishing for. And the clothing, oh the clothing. Colourblocking doesn't seem to be a trend around here, it is tradition. What more to come? A teethless medicine man called Ketut reading my hand? Cycling through the rice fields, when a car knocks me off the road and the driver turns out to be a Brazilian man hotter than the temperature around here? I know, maybe I've had too much sun today. That, or I've seen eat pray love too many times and I'm starting to actually eat, pray and love like Julia Roberts. Oh well, we all take the movies too seriously. So I eat my just-picked pineapple, I pray for love and I love the people around me. Terima kasih, Bali.



Thursday, April 5, 2012


Picture one: top, skinny, clutch ZARA, cardigan Brandy Melville
Picture two and three: clutch ZARA, starfish ring H&M, pac man necklace Noor Mode & Schoenen, petite ring Bon Bon Boutique
Picture three: suede jacket with fringe Noor Mode & Schoenen

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today's style crush

Gosh. What is it about petite, blond, skinny, australian bloggers that make them so irresistible? Oh right, their style! Though I am usually too stubborn and clumsy to keep searching for fashionistas like this blondie, I couldn't help but drop by this one's blog. My oh my, how I'm digging her style.
Her blog:

Monday, March 5, 2012

My summer to do list

Are you counting the days too? I know I am. Just a few more weeks (or months..'weeks' sounds so much better) and I'll be running around the city in my Levi's shorts trying to catch as much sun and parties as possible. Since my friends and I can't stop talking about all of the plans we have, i couldn't help but make a summer to do list. Everytime I look at it, I can't help but smile. It will be the best summer ever..

1. Eat popsicles for dinner.
2. Decorate my 'home', aka crash crib.
3. Give a housewarming in my crib.
4. Fall in love.
5. Chill in the backyard with as many friends and for as many nights as possible.
6. Take a roadtrip/vacation which i paid for myself.
7. Take a mugshot picture.
8. Go to lowlands (yes, i was smart enough to get tickets!)
9. Chill in the park for entire days: friends, beer and pizza style.
10. Go out covered in funny pick up lines written with glow in the dark bodypaint.
11. Go 'watercycling' aka take one of those pedalo things on the canals.
12. Go in roller coasters in an amusement park.
13. Crowdsurf.
14. Write a book.
15. Get a new haircut and/or colour.
16. Get that victoria secret body.
17. Go to concerts of those irresistible, unknown little bands.
18. Visit as many raves, parties, festivals and housewarmings as possible.
19. Share a stars & stripes whiskey plus usa stories with my friend, the one who is even more obsessed with america than I am.
20. Do absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spot of the day: De Drie Graefjes

I just can't believe that -though i spend A LOT afternoons sitting here- i have never mentioned this place filled with cappuccinos, red velvet cakes, lemon 'n meringue pies and BLT sandwiches: De Drie Graefjes. It's the kind of place where I can actually hear the people think: 'Oh, there you have her again. The one who's addicted to Red Velvet cake and talks a bit too loud about her private life, such as her party last night'. I guess every person in there knows me and my friends all too well, but hey, what would life be without De Drie Graefjes' red velvet cake and their authentic ambiance that puts a smile on my face? Exactly. That wouldn't be life at all.

De Drie Graefjes - Eggertstraat 1 (behind the Nieuwe Kerk, Dam Square)

FASHION & FOAM: new conceptstore (Vijzelstraat 78 A'dam)

While I was racing through Vijzelstraat again -earplugs in, coffee in hand, almost running- as if I'm some sort of forrest gump realizing i have always been able to run, something held me to the place where I was standing. Vijzelstraat 78, Amsterdam. Finally, some square meters in amsterdam that hold photographes, fashion, portraits, magazines, music and inspiring books: and all in one space. Yes, I am able to tell you all about it and make sure you know every little detail before entering this creative walhalla, but you might as well just read the article below. All I can say is, abacadabra, heaven is born!

Het fotografiemuseum Amsterdam (FOAM) opent tijdens de Amsterdam Fashion Week haar nieuwste initiatief; &FOAM. Het is een conceptstore aan de Amsterdamse Vijzelstraat met een groot assortiment van fotoboeken, prints, magazines, muziek, mode tot accessoires. Het concept &Foam behelst samenwerkingen van Foam met partners uit verschillende kunstdisciplines. Later dit jaar zullen de disciplines muziek, design en film een eigen &Foam editie krijgen, maar ter ere van de Amsterdamse modeweek starten ze met Fashion &Foam.
Voor de eerste editie van &Foam wordt goed uitgepakt. Het assortiment fotografieboeken is verrijkt met werk van Terry Richardson, Richard Avedon en Hedi Slimane. Voor het komende &Foam-kwartaal is hoofd Mode van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Niels Klavers (van wijlen modelabel Klavers & Van Engelen) aangesteld als gastcurator. In samenwerking met Salon/ maakte hij de tentoonstelling
‘ONDER ANDERE…’. Hiervoor zijn een twintigtal alumni van de Amsterdamse kunstacademie gevraagd om een bijzonder item uit hun persoonlijke collectie ter beschikking te stellen. De reeks items worden gepresenteerd in de vorm van een installatie en geven de visie van de modeafdeling van de laatste twintig jaar weer. Architectenbureau X + L is betrokken bij de vormgeving van zowel het interieur van &Foam als de vorm van Klavers’ tentoonstelling.
In het aanbod van &Foam zijn speciale items opgenomen zoals de zines Self Publish Be Happy (GB), Bolo Paper (IT) en Club Donny (NL). Muzieklabel Rush Hour maakt ieder kwartaal een nieuwe albumselectie. Wat ook elke drie maanden verandert is ‘Curated bookshelves’. In samenwerking met de gastcurator maken ditmaal Penny Martin, de hoofdredactrice van The Gentlewoman, fotografe Viviane Sassen en journaliste Merel Bem een selectie van hun favoriete boeken binnen het thema mode.
Foam Editions, de inhouse gallery van het fotomuseum aan de Keizersgracht zit voortaan in de Vijzelstraat. Daar worden gelimiteerde prints voor aantrekkelijke prijzen verkocht. Het assortiment van Foam Editions is onlangs uitgebreid met onder andere het portret van Chloë Sevigny (zie foto) van Blommers & Schumm en met de serie Seven Feet Under van Philippe Vogelenzang. Op naar de Vijzelstraat!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Best bagels in town

Whenever it is lazy sunday again, bagels and I get along very well. I mean, who doesn't adore bagels? So, for all the ones who do, here come my three favourite bagel-spots in Amsterdam.

1. Village Bagels
Vijzelstraat 137 Amsterdam

2. Bagel Nash
Olympiaplein 148 Amsterdam

3. Bagels & Beans ( I know it is not exactly unknown, but still, their bagels are really good!)
My favourite location is: Zeilstraat 64 Amsterdam

Spotted in PS van de Week

Last weekend my interview + pictures appeared in Parool's PS van de week, and I am so so so excited about it! I was asked to do an interview and here it is; my own little piece about why I started my blog, where the roots of my love for clothing lie and who I am as an eighteen year old girl.
I hope you like it, check it out and don't forget: comments are always more than welcome!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The 8 most magical tips

There it was again. That feeling inside of me that keeps me from writing whatever it is I am thinking about. Even when drinking coffee after coffee, the ideas weren't making their appearance. This is the moment where I grab my laptop (or Ipad,which is too complicated for me to handle by the way) and take a visit to I am the worst liar in this entire world,so let me just be honest by saying the tips below come from this addictive site. Read them,understand them,try them and love them! 

1. Break up noir pieces with neon trousers.
2. Style a midi dress with an oversized,furry vest.
3. Layer your outerwear for a stylish cold-weather outfit.
4. Elevate a turtleneck with a silky maxi skirt.
5. Freshen up your look with crisp,white separates.
6. Finish a sleek outfit with a boyfriend coat.
7. Pair a long tank dress with leather boots for a cool,90s look.
8. Swap your dark coat for a chic,white style. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

FOAM: Joel Sternfeld Color Photographs since 1970

Foam is the one place you can escape to whenever you feel the need to do so. Whenever you lost your motto 'sunny side up'; get your ass down there immediately. Besides, now is the time,  because Joel Sternfeld is now 'exhibiting'. In case you are wondering if this isn't too arty farty for you or you want to go there 'prepared': Sternfelds' two trademarks are COLOUR and the USA (and its history). Two things that make me very happy indeed.

december 16th - march 14th 2012

Washington D.C., 1974 (C) Joel Sternfeld and Luhring Augustine, New York

New York City, from the Series Rush Hour, 1976 C Joel Sternfeld

Mclean, Virginia, 1978 (C) Sternfeld and Luhring Augustine, New York

Brandy Melville

Oops I did it again! It was two summers ago when I fell in love (again) with the brand Brandy Melville. Never a dull moment when my friend in Los Angeles and I go shopping in LA, and this was our very first stop. It was like going shopping for groceries while you're hungry as hell. It's the kind of store that holds woollen and cashmere clothing só soft, you just want to smudge your face in them. And yes, it keeps getting better: Brandy Melville has now opened a store in Amsterdam, Leidsestraat! So if you want to spend your summer as the california kinda girl, you're at the right address. Are you already on your way? I know I am.